To celebrate the Final Four, each match-up will feature special… “graphics” of the waifus. Each will be made available as an HD wallpaper, of course.
“Staying in shape is hard work. That doesn’t mean girls can’t have a little fun in the gym…”
Horizontal HD Wallpaper: Click here!
Vertical HD Wallpaper: Click here!
Isabelle from Various Series
Robin from Halloween Switch
Western Semi-Finals: Isabelle Vs Robin
- Isabelle (60%, 211 Votes)
- Robin (40%, 143 Votes)
Total Voters: 354

Yesterday’s Match Results:
Zoey just beat out Jamie in the last Quarter-Finals match! She’ll face Alyssa in the Semi-Finals!
thanks for the support @Zillatrek
hmu maybe we can be friends
Another thing, the link to the HD version of the tournament results seems to be broken. Here’s the actual link:
Thank you for pointing that out.
I do not know if this picture here will be officially part of an animation/comic as I feel this picture is shown just purely for fun. I could only see this be done if Ashley and Holly had turned into Isabelle and Robin for their girl on girl time in the gym.
Is Robin sucking on Isabel’s ear in the picture?
Nope. She’s seductively biting Isabelle’s ear.
I’m thinking Alyssa Vs Isabelle
win Alyssa
I have a feeling Alyssa will be in the finals because I know people have been liking her a lot lately (I like her too). Idk I don’t really cares who wins, I’m just glad my girl Zoey made it this far (Alyssa, Isabelle and Robin as well)
I’m probably going to get some heat for this but it seems to me like every time we get used to something for so long and then something else comes along that’s even by just a specialist because it’s new everybody wants to focus more on it who gives a crap about the same that would happen 10 minutes ago even though it is 10 times better is always the new flashy thing that has everyone in awe going all mainstream things no different than a kid playing with his new toy all the other toys he got over a… Read more »
Ps the character’s are also subjected to the same futures as you iPhone buy a phone and get the same one next year because its all just a STATUS symbol
I dunno, I voted for Jamie, Jamie almost won, 51-49 match, but it’s not surprising to see Zoey win, and not just because she’s more recent. Zoey’s comic is like…twice as long as any other comic on the site. And…while personally Shifting Roomates is still my favourite comic, I have to acknowledge some issues with it that might turn some people off, like the drawing has improved in leaps and bounds since then.
Also, while shifting roommates is my favourite because I like gradual transformations, I don’t know that I necessarily care about Jamie as a character that much. Like…when Jamie showed up as a cameo in “Doing Business As”, I wasn’t that excited about the cameo.
I mean…you say that people are voting for all new characters, and yet three of the final four have been around for years. Isabelle and Robin are two of the most classic characters on the site, and Alyssa has been around for over almost four years now. She’s also been in more animations than Robin and probably just as many as Isabelle. Hell, I wouldn’t even call Zoey “new” at this point, since she’s not only not in the current comic, but was introduced to us over two years ago. Whether a character is new or old didn’t really matter… Read more »
Well I guess you do have a valid point
Yay zoey made it into the semi finals