Sorry about the erratic behavior of the website over the last week. There have been a number of issues of things being turned off or broken like the homepage, the flashes, messages, ect. I’ve been doing a lot of updates and changes to improve the software and performance of the site. Sometimes these changes will negatively affect some part of the site and I won’t notice for a couple of days until someone tells me. So if you do find a bug, please let me know and I’ll fix it right away.
Most of these updates are behind the scenes and won’t change what you actually see on the pages. The two big changes I’m making are to the subscription software and to improving page load speeds. The subscription software conversion has been a big task, but I should have it done within the next week. I’ll have more news about it when it’s finally running. Also, please let me know if you notice any change in the site’s speed (positively or negatively).
Thank you for your patience!
I cannot view subscriber content… it keeps saying “You need a subscription to view this page.” I have PayPal open in another tab right now and it says I payed the $5.00 on 5/5/15, two days ago.
Whats going on?
I have the exact same issue. Maybe it’s the update on the site? I’m sure SF will have it figured it soon.
I just made a news post about this problem. It should be fixed within a few hours.
You should try to develop a set of canned (they will evolve) tests that you run after an update. These test allow you to make sure nothing got broken during an update. This worked out well for me.