Thanks to the help of’s first employee, I now have the time to start making some much needed updates to the site. There will be more updates coming soon, but I’ve got the big thing finished. The long overdue Help Section has finally been added to the site!
There are plenty of people out there who have questions about their accounts or the site everyday, so this should greatly help. I’ve included every important question I could think of, but feel free to make a recommendation for something else to add to the list. If the new help section doesn’t have the answer that you need, I’ve clearly put how to contact me on every help section page.
Sapphire I tried a million times to start a member ship on subscriber account but it said i paid but i couldn’t watch the videos can you help and i tried paying again and again but my money was just going away and i couldn’t watch the videos and i payed about a years worth of subscriber money and i still couldn’t and i can’t mail you money because all my money is digital for accounts and stuff so please can you help by giving me a solution other than pay pal or basic mail please reply to me here… Read more »
did you need my email again hun?
Your comment is awaiting moderation. -> Is that new 4 all members?
No, there is a new spam blocker that sometimes holds comments that aren’t spam.
I think the spam blocker loves me… this post is awaiting moderation, too. Perhaps this is cause I’m living in Germany.
Sapphire do you happen to have the Orinal comission of mine my last computer went all crazy on em and it was lost it was you dont need them
I could email it to you. Did you want it in SWF or MOV format?
umm what ever is the easiest to work haha never been good with computers I use like windows media player. but I think I can get either or working i hope so that would be great just not sure what format
Excellent new section – it’s very thorough and well-written. Hopefully this will cut down on the time you have to spend responding to individual questions!
Thanks. I guess that technical writing class from college is paying off. =)
Just curious, are the updates in stealing from sis included in the updates planned