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looks like jamie and barbarba are on their way to becoming girlfriends instead of boyfriend / girlfriend . i hope this new friendship works out .
When Barba wrap her arms around Jamie, for some reason the arms don’t look right.
Our society has taught us to pity a man who has changed into a woman, As though it was a demotion or a punishment… If a society has an ingrained bigotry then ALL it’s members have it to some extent. It comes when we learn the meaning of words… think about it.
I don’t pity him! I’m sure a lot of men would be happy for him (or happy to try to be with him)
Please, make Jamie remain mentally as a guy…. that’s the whole point of TS. Overriding the mentality is just as erasing a person, it is not a transformation, is a replacement.
I agree, but certain mental changes should happen. Mainly continuing with what has happened thus far.
We are all friends here!
Thanks to you Fox!
SapphireFoxx, Don’t worry about a slightly late posting, some stories I follow leave you waiting for weeks; or even months before the next… and you always deliver great material… of course, you could always treat us to a double page next time! 😉
I’m expecting part of Jamie’s continuing transformation to be mental as well as physical.
Now I’m waiting for her to put 2 and 2 together and realize what the manhood changes in Jamie, mean for Scott.
I like the Easter egg, saw l2lp’s post and it took me a few minutes to find it nonetheless.