Shifting Roommates Page 308

By | August 17, 2014

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2 years ago

looks like jamie and scott left the roommate stage and now headed toward the boyfriend , girlfriend stage of their relationship . what a great development in this comic since page 1 .

2 years ago

interesting… no condom. clearly not thinking about pregnancy potential.

Reply to  Spokavriel
2 years ago

oops guilty with everyone else even years later ;P

7 years ago

Every time I reread this fantastic comic I never get tired of it

10 years ago

I think Scotts hair should turn Black

James Caras
Reply to  EmptyBlackMD
9 years ago

I agree he looks like Jimmy Olson.

Levi D Dalv
10 years ago

Will there be a child….only two weeks will tell

Shadow Doctrine
10 years ago

Where is Sapphire Foxx ?? 😉 He’s watching??
Don’t worry Scott and Jamie we are all watching you two… awe forget it!
I wonder…I just came here to read the comments or what.
Good job!

10 years ago

Pregnancy after this would be a tad bit strange, not to mention strange. I think that in the end though, having a kid is something that they would both welcome.

-random person in un-known age or time/place: “option a or b everyone?”
-Tzeentch: “I choose option D!!!!”
-Everyone: “What?”

I’m making it official, I claim this site in the name of CHAOS!!!

Lord Calgar
Reply to  ironmonger
10 years ago

The Inquisition will purge this place in the name of the golden throne !!!

10 years ago

its a mutiny……….FOXX…….duck and cover………NOOOOO Protection…