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boy was jamie’s mother shocked when she found out that her new daughter is bisexual . i would be to if my grand neice or nephew told me the same thing jamie just told her mother .
Would be great if the foxx could alter Jamie’s mom so they resemble each other even more (if you know what i mean).
This is such a huge thing for Jamie to talk about. I was kinda hoping to glaze over this. Since getting all charters on the same page takes so long. I know it’s going to be about the guy she likes. That’s great it will move the plot along. I just wanted to see if her old friends that still live in town and if they think Jamie was always a girl. To see her old room girly would of been great. But not all parents will leave a room untouched when there kid moves out.
Speaking of it ,this would make quite a movie if foxx feels like it.
Is it just me, but I think I’m getting the hots for Jamie’s Mom!!! Definitely, want to see more of Mom. Can you imagine what could happen when Jamie brings Scott home to visit Mom & Dad!!
Awesome job as always! Looking forward even more to tomorrow’s page!
Will Jamie tell her mother about Scott and then come home to fall into his arms.
Great new page! Though there’s a slight typesetting error in panel three. The last bubble’s text is quite a few pixels too high, and the top of the bubble is cutting it off.
Jamies warde robe is really getting more attractive,
Agreed. Though I also kind of miss the gamer-girl look; I’m rather partial to it, as I am one myself.