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jamie is really putting it out their . making goldbergs day brighter and more exciting .
jamie is really putting it out their . making goldbergs day brighter .
Ugh. Optional is right. It’s soooo BORRRRING WORK JARGON!! ><;;;;;
Eat your heart out, Sharon Stone.
And so we hear the last of Jamie’s male mental voice.
Jamie’s head profile is so much more hotter than her frontal view.
If a man was posing flirtatious signals to a female manger he would not be hired. If I were fellow female employees he would have a lawsuit against him. What Jamie is doing is provoking. If the men around her are too friendly it’s because of her signals, yet it’s the men that get in trouble.
I don’t want to be the first person to tell you this, but the world isn’t fair. Women can bat their eyelashes all day long at male co-workers, but a man would get in trouble immediately. Jamie knows that and is willing to use her new advantage.
Hopefully barbara will let Jamie get in her closet for more reveiling outfits and higher heels