My first blog post a few months ago was about my attempts to lose weight. I went to a gym for about five months and didn’t see any progress for weight loss, although I did get a little healthier and built some muscle.
Since my move last month, I haven’t gone to a new gym, and I’m instead working out at home. I’ve stopped half-assing my diet and have gotten very serious about what I eat and how much. I’ve also spent a lot of time to learn as much as I can about dieting and exercising.
So far, the results have been great. My weight didn’t change at all during my five months at the gym, but in the last month on my own, I’ve lost 10 pounds. I credit a lot of that to my greatly improved diet because just exercising alone doesn’t get the job done. I’ve also started doing much more cardio in the last few weeks.
The best news is that I’ve been losing weight at the steady rate of 1.5 to 2 pounds per week, and I hope to lose much more in the coming months.
If you are trying to lose weight yourself, the best advice I could give is to find out how many calories your body uses per day so that you can find out how many you can eat to achieve a caloric deficit. Since every body is different, use a site like to see how many calories you should be eating per day. It will even tell how many to cut to achieve your weight loss goal, and they have a helpful database of food nutrition info if you want to track what you are eating.
just ride a bike for an hour each day
If you want to lose weight research caveman/Neanderthals. Think about it there were no fat cavemen.
Food was a lot harder to come by back then, you know. They also didn’t live very long.
You should consider getting an activity tracking wristband. I’ve had one for a couple years now, and I love it. I’ve really become more conscious of how much activity I get each day. It’s cool to be able to look back at all of the data I’ve amassed, so I can see which days give me trouble and where I can improve. As long as I reach my daily goal each day, I can sleep easy at night knowing that that day moved me a little closer to being even healthier.
Best to keep on doing what you are doing – in effect eating slightly less in calories than you are using up over the day. Not suer if it applies in the USA, but here in the UK all processed foods have the quantities of fat, sugar and so on listed, so you can choose things low in cholesterol, sugar etc. And it is important to restrict fizzy drinks, especially with a meal, and avoid Coke, Pepsi and so on as even the ‘Diet’ versions are very high in aspartane, which is definitely to be avoided if at all possible.… Read more »
I think the one thing that has kept me from being super obese (as opposed to normal obese) during my life is the fact that I hate soda, and I never drink it. I would be so much worse off if I drank them on a regular basis.
We do have nutritional info on food in the US, but the stupid thing is that the quantities are in grams, and very few people in the US use grams or know what it converts to.
If you use a smart phone then check for an app that does conversions such as *convertpad* for android found in google play or amazon apps, I have it from Amazon as a daily freebie app and it has almost every type of measurement and conversions included.
When do you need to convert anything from a nutrition label? Everything except for sugar has percentages listed for how much of each item that someone aiming for a 2000 kcal diet should consume in a day, so you really don’t have to pay much attention to the actual units unless you’re looking at sugar consumption (which there’s not really a set percentage for, since the amount that a person can safely consume varies from person to person). You’d probably have to consult a doctor for that, but for men the AHA recommends no more than 37 g/day, for what… Read more »
Hey, I recommend trying the juice cleanse diet…I’m doing it at the moment and losing about 2kg (4.4 pounds a week).
Don’t loss too much though ,when u loss too much just eat healthily and workout . don’t wan you to get some weird shit disease…
Keep up the good work! We are all routing for you. If you need any support and/or advice on good food and healthy choice options let me know. I’m always here and we all are here to help.
I am kinda burning through ideas on what to ear. I’m steadily cutting out more and more unhealthy things like eggs, frozen foods, pasta, ect. I’m trying to come up with more to eat than chicken and sandwiches.
If you like vegetables, they’re a pretty good food choice. I’m probably odd but I like all kinds of them along with fruits. Stay away from starchy foods like corn, potatoes and some breads. Keep up the good work!
Might be a good time to learn some cooking techniques. I learned when I was in college and wos sorry I didn’t learn it earlier from my mother (a classically trained chef.) There are plenty of good video demonstrations on various things (sauteeing, braising, steaming, grilling…) and that alone will get you a bigger variety of meals. Also count on a reduction in your grocery bills as fresh food items are cheaper than their finished/processed cousins. They may take a little more time on your side to prepare, but it will get lots of attention from friends/relatives who don’t know… Read more »
Cheers on your progress, mate. I found that my diet controlled my weight loss a lot more than my workout regimen as well.