Second Honeymoon – Episode 5

By | December 27, 2020

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Briana Sawyer
1 year ago

Wonderfully wholesome!

2 years ago

well charlie and pat formerly charles and patricia have just got a new lease on life a second time . let’s hope that they make it a great one for a long time to come .

Zack Davidson
3 years ago

when are we getting episode 6

Reply to  Zack Davidson
2 years ago

actually this is the final episode in the series .

4 years ago

Hol’ up anyone else noticed Charli’s dress changed from turquoise to pink?

Inquisitor Three
4 years ago

This is nice to see. What a calm, relaxed and loving couple.

0._.0 CyanCoyote
4 years ago

Do old folk renew their vows of marriage because they forget they got married in the first place ?

Reply to  0._.0 CyanCoyote
4 years ago

No, that is not why married couples have vow renewals. They do it to renew their love for each other, to show that they still love each other just as much as they did when they got married and that time has only made their love stronger.

4 years ago

At 5:37 use used the wrong face model, I don’t think she’s supposed to have makeup on in that shot.

4 years ago

Lovely animation and story!