Rookie Mistake

By | September 7, 2020

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1 year ago

Definitely need to revisit this. Alistair will know how to fix it.

1 year ago

Awww the poor girl 🙁 I feel so bad for her! It must be so painful to see her boyfriend be changed while she wasnt able to be. I hope we get to see more of this where she can become her true self!

2 years ago

chris what will isabelle and alistair say when they find out that you gender changed the wrong person . are they going to say that the boob strikes again or something much worse .

James Caras
2 years ago

It’s always something with you isn’t it, Chris.

2 years ago

chris just a little piece of advice check for the gender curse first before changing a persons gender . and don’t transform your sister jessica into a cat alistair might just find out about that .

2 years ago

This really needs fixing. If anything their now both cursed. And that is completely counter to the intended goal. Leaving it here is painful. Are you sure Milda 7 didn’t give suggestions on writing it?

Last edited 2 years ago by Spokavriel
2 years ago

well i am glad that you got around to making it

2 years ago

dose anyone now if we find out what happens in Rookie Mistake ????