Shifting Roommates Page 29

You need a subscription to view this page. Already a subscriber? Log in here. Thinking about becoming a Subscriber? Join the web’s largest TG community to enjoy our growing collection of transgender animations and comics. -Don’t have a credit card? It’s still possible to signup as long as you have a bank account. Just link it to a… Read More »

Shifting Roommates Page 28

You need a subscription to view this page. Already a subscriber? Log in here. Thinking about becoming a Subscriber? Join the web’s largest TG community to enjoy our growing collection of transgender animations and comics. -Don’t have a credit card? It’s still possible to signup as long as you have a bank account. Just link it to a… Read More »

Email Issues for New Users

So I’ve just found out a big screw up I’ve been doing. A percentage of new users who sign up never get the activation email. This is fine because I can fix that issue as long as that person emails me through the ‘contact’ button on the bottom of the page. There are 8000 register users on the… Read More »

Shifting Roommates Page 27

You need a subscription to view this page. Already a subscriber? Log in here. Thinking about becoming a Subscriber? Join the web’s largest TG community to enjoy our growing collection of transgender animations and comics. -Don’t have a credit card? It’s still possible to signup as long as you have a bank account. Just link it to a… Read More »

Shifting Roommates Page 26

You need a subscription to view this page. Already a subscriber? Log in here. Thinking about becoming a Subscriber? Join the web’s largest TG community to enjoy our growing collection of transgender animations and comics. -Don’t have a credit card? It’s still possible to signup as long as you have a bank account. Just link it to a… Read More »

Stealing From Sis 12 Preview and Website Attack

A few days ago the site went down for about two and a half hours for seemingly no reason. I’ve just found out this morning that the site went down because of a targeted attack by some hacker. It seems he was either trying to crash the site or steal the subscriber videos. Either way, it was likely… Read More »