New Beyond Comic: Augmented Reality

By | January 11, 2023

As much fun as the Beyond comic The Layover has been with its epic crossover-ness, volume one will be coming to an end on page 110. This means the next Beyond comic will be start January 25th. What is the next Beyond comic you ask? Well, the cast of Maker’s Game makes their long anticipated return in Maker’s Game: Augmented Reality! If you can believe it, January 11th today marks the fifth anniversary since Maker’s Game concluded.

“With the Death Boss defeated, the party of five finds a way to escape the digital world through a portal that opens. However this time, the nefarious Grey Mask will have something to say about those who defy his new prison world inside of the game world. How will things play out this time with half the group trapped outside the game and the other half trapped inside?”

Vote for the next Comic protagonist!
New Beyond Comic: The Mavericks Showstopper Volume 2
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2 years ago

Will female chase be in next volume of the curse?

2 years ago

wouldve been nice to have a spin off with isabel’s body stolen by the villain but meeeh.

Reply to  SapphireFoxx
2 years ago

I would also love to see the spin off with Isabel’s body being stolen by the villain…I would definitely subscribe to the beyond comic if that was made!

Sakis Diva
Reply to  jijipe
2 years ago

I would love to see this I have seen that page a bazillion times and thought of the “what if”

2 years ago

hey this comes out on my birthday! what a nice coincidence

JD Washington
2 years ago

It seems that in this comic, the double date between the siblings and their fake-soul counterparts would be happening this time.