Mobile Viewers Please Test This

By | September 21, 2014

I’m trying to find the optimal image size for the new Different Perspective pages. I would like to make them as high quality as I can, but I know many mobile devices have limits. If I am correct, all desktops and laptops will be able to view the five test images on this page, but phones and tablets will only see a few.

If you are using a mobile device, please leave a comment to tell me which of the 5 images below you can see, and what device you are using. For example:

“Samsung Galaxy S5. I can see images 1, 3, and 4.”

September 19th, 2014: One Year Ago Today...
New Comic Test
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6 years ago

iPad Pro = all 5

9 years ago

Asus MeMO Pad. I can see all of them.

9 years ago

I’m on nokia only 1 3 5

10 years ago

I am on a kindle HDX and I can see all five., the only thing I have a problem viewing on your website with this device is the videos like I cannot watch the new to good to put down. From here. I can from my laptop.

10 years ago

iPad mini, I see 1, 4 and 5

10 years ago

I vorgetragen the device. Galaxy Tab S 8.4

10 years ago

Samsung Galaxy S5.

I can see all 5.