Can you believe Shifting Roommates first premiered almost 8 years ago? That makes me feel old, and I don’t even turn 30 until next January. Well, here’s a MeowWithMe comic recreating the original SapphireFoxx comic.
Can you believe Shifting Roommates first premiered almost 8 years ago? That makes me feel old, and I don’t even turn 30 until next January. Well, here’s a MeowWithMe comic recreating the original SapphireFoxx comic.
MeowWithMe – Too Good To Put Down
I love this. This is still my favorite web comic on this site.
I like Scott’s hairdo on Day 85 better than on Day 158. Any others feel the same?
Regular SF canon: Alistair transforms people to cure them of their gender curse.
MeowWithMe SF canon: Alistair transforms people because they called him “weird” or “creepy”, lol…
Honestly, wasn’t the Foxx a lot less benevolent in the days when Shifting Roommates first started? This seems like a callback to that era.
Maybe a little. I’ve been following the Foxx since before the website and before he was mostly hinted at. The character has developed a lot since then.