This month, it’s the very popular one-shot No Hard Feelings that’s getting the MeowWithMe treatment! We certainly have ideas for what can be done to conclude No Hard Feelings both in a canon animation and a non-canon Beyond comic. However, we haven’t been able to decide on what to do. Until then, please enjoy these fine illustrations from Meow!
As a hint for next month’s Meow comic, it’s based on a very old SapphireFoxx one-shot.
@sapphirefoxx– Pls make a beyond comic on this
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck I’m gonna go watch the redux again. Erica has my DREAM body!
Even in a different art style, I still want to punch Mark in the face so badly….
I don’t know who’s a worst sleazebag, Mark or Mayor Sadie?
I’m too busy focusing on how badly I want to be Erica, regardless of whether Mark’s there.
Fair enough
There’s a special place in Hell for Mark and that Gold witch.
But before they go, can they turn me into a girl with Erica’s looks and figure?
Evil wins since the conclusion of the redux
But Mark isn’t getting away from this when Eric / Erica figure it out to find another way to stop this nonsense
I’d rather Erica continue to ~explore~ being a woman and come to accept and even welcome her new life.