Maker’s Game Page 380

By | November 9, 2017

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1 year ago

well these 3 are going all the way at the same time. i wonder what comes next.

6 years ago

IMHO the heavy sex is detracting from the story. Without it progress rate would be improved and might even have climaxed/ended by now.

6 years ago

Looks like a great time for everyone involved !!!! Wish I was there !!!

Hans Gruber
6 years ago

Um….Aywin isn’t a man/male person; it is a ‘thing’, a construct (as everyone calls it…an “NPC”). Nikki, if she can have her way, will convert into real women form. Not sure about Hikaru. So…the quote should be “two guys and an ‘it’…”

6 years ago

Why doesn’t Nicki have a vagina?

6 years ago

comment image?w=320&h=240&crop=1

Reply to  JesFoxx3
6 years ago


Mina Monet
6 years ago


6 years ago

Lol this is the strangest transgender fantasy yet. Totally would never happen, you can’t get a guy to agree to this treatment, I tried.