Maker’s Game Page 228

By | June 10, 2017

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1 year ago

isabelle is so confused right now she can’t even sense that there is a construct copy of chris’s sole inside of his real body. and that’s bad news for the real chris back in the game.

7 years ago

That. Is. So. Damn. Cute.

7 years ago

I thought their offspring were called Pups or Kits.

7 years ago

While they are adorable, you need to be careful. Groundhogs can reproduce real quick. You may have an infestation in a year

7 years ago

Aww, that’s just the cutest little family :3 Best neighbours ever! <3 <3 <3

Back to the comic: I think that Izzy is about to discover the truth – even if she's playing it casually right now, I'm sure she's itching to try what she just learned from Alistair!

Exciting developments ahead, I'm sure ^_^

7 years ago

I wonder if Gray Mask and Alister personally know each other?

Alaster Boneman
Reply to  Cartoonist
7 years ago

that would make Grey mask hundreds of years old

Reply to  Cartoonist
7 years ago

Interesting thought.

7 years ago

This is getting confusing . I hope Izzy gives Alister the opportunity to look hard at Chris !

7 years ago

The baby groundhog are sooo Cute