Maker’s Game Page 204

By | May 17, 2017

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1 year ago

yuzuki and chris the person you should really be asking about what’s happening to hikaru is one of your teammates named nikki because she knows because she put something in hikaru’s lemonade .

6 years ago

During Alistair’s transformation in the Heist, He looks so sexy with just one eye showing and the over sweep of hair covering the right eye ,” man that is so sexy”and Isabelle there in the back ground is looking as sexy as always.

7 years ago

Leena is missing the blue streak in her hair on the 2nd panel in the right column.

7 years ago

Chris is going to have a serious case of blue balls(unless he gives in which is doubtful) if Leena stays around him like this . I am very interested to see how this plays out.

7 years ago

Leena has it real bad.

Yet I don’t think she will sleep tonight unless Chris caves on his defense s ?

7 years ago

Leena under the love potion does not seem happy about Chris talking to Yuzuki.

7 years ago

in panel 4 Hikaru/Leena doesn’t have blue stuff in his/her hair, but in panel 5 he/she does. just pointing out an error that i noticed.

Lord of Stories
7 years ago

Hopefully they go medieval on Nick’s ass.