Maker’s Game Page 160

By | April 3, 2017

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1 year ago

now russell are you ready to deal with all the panic inside your game. as your assistant finally gets ahold of you and informs you about what the grey mask has been up to.

7 years ago

stacey is peng af

7 years ago

Has anyone else caught the “Admin Mimi” part? Nice little detail 🙂

Reply to  SapphireFoxx
7 years ago

I guess I’m not sure but isn’t Ryan the other guy that went in with Jimmy?

Reply to  Callista
7 years ago

Nvm I remember Ryan’s an animator. Dave is the other admin in here with Jimmy…. (lot of names lol)

7 years ago

I liked the last panel scene 🙂
Wonder how its gonna be when they realise their last hope is also in the game.

Pirate Billie
7 years ago

Going to Toronto in July for a long overdue thyroid shave and a bit of chin/jaw work–hope my results are as good as Sam’s–of course we have not seen her lately.

Pirate Billie
7 years ago

Long Sigh–no heels for me–way too tall–it is my number one tell. All the time I hear ” I bet you played basketball in school””…nope, football, line . Ho Ho. If this is this guy’s creation he may have other tricks up his sleeve then just being able to change shoes!

Levi D Dalv
7 years ago

They’re DOOMED

Sam Malan
Reply to  Levi D Dalv
7 years ago


7 years ago

Boy with commands like that real life would be so much simpler.

Reply to  Fern
7 years ago

I agree. I wish it was that easier for me for one thing. I think everyone feels that way.

Reply to  Cartoonist
7 years ago

Nah, the world would become boring because you won’t have anything to work for and you’ll become depressed.