Love For A Price – Episode 2

By | March 7, 2020

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1 year ago

duskhunter a man after me own heart yarrrr “know idea why the pirate just felt right”

4 years ago

It’s Estraya, it means star, the double l is pronounced like a y.

4 years ago

Oh and um I’m not against bi people by any means. I’m questioning my sexual orientation at the moment, so I might be bi myself actually. I just get sick of seeing a little too much of the same thing.

4 years ago

Um…I’m all for representation, but how many bisexual characters do we need? There’s several: Jamie, Selena, Alyssa, Aydin, and I guess Amanda is a lesbian in canon but since there’s an AU where she chooses Brad, does that make her bisexual too? Idk man. At least the CEO has the same fetish that I do lol.

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  Free
4 years ago

Ashley, and formerly Holly.

4 years ago

So he was only making $18,000 a year in American Dollars (assuming he means American when he says non-blood dollars)?

Yes, I mathed it. Apparently 1 arcana = $100. So wait, do arcana have a currency symbol? My brain is exploding with so many things now.

Reply to  Lily
4 years ago

1 million dollars in a year

4 years ago

Where is part three?

Reply to  Ashe
4 years ago

Patience my friend, patience. Part 3 hasnt been made yet. Nor has it been promised to be released by now. All in due time, when they get to it, they get to it. They have a schedule you can check

5 years ago

Just noticed the outfit hanging on the wall behind aydin is the same as what kaydance is wearing.

5 years ago

ok so i get fantasy world and its worth like a million in USD BUT aidan lives in magic city where they use the magic currency. So its only worth 15k for him and not the millions for us. That’s not even full time work thats part time so his current gig is better as thats atleast full time (it could have specified an amount he makes at his old job idk i dont remember). now unless inflation is WAY DOWN