Love For A Price – Episode 1

By | January 7, 2020

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Emeiliana the inkling girl
7 months ago

palaptine would be terrifed

2 years ago

I am a poor man,yes i have moblie phone but i am from india i can not get dollars this is my favroite animation but again i dont have money to buy supscription and by chance i want to change my ruppes into dollar so its 6 dollars means 400 ruppes and i got only 7000 thousand ruppes($100 dollars)in which 2000 ruppes for mother ,2000 for grocery 1000 my loan ‘s EMI 2000 for rent of house .if any one can help to get this subscription so it will huge help for me it will proff that there is still… Read more »

3 years ago

i think that kira needs a naked mole rat positively named rufus in her life or at least a male ferret . that could help her keep her mind on something else than interupting her owner when she wants attention .

Inquisitor Two
4 years ago

Alright… I take issue with these subtitles. “Bonified” is not the same as “Bona fide”. The first is what you meant, the second means “good faith” and is not a single word. Furthermore, “you’re creepy survey”… I guess the lady is a creepy survey, then.

4 years ago

Kira is the best character so far. And that survey…ugh. Dirty stuff. *shivers*

5 years ago

Is it just me or did the Ferret sound like Fidget from Dust To Dust?

5 years ago

Story featuring talking Ferret? You got me!

James Caras
5 years ago

Either Aydin is going to be transformed into a women or Kira into a human, take your pick.