Godmother Page 98

By | April 19, 2018

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1 year ago

just you wait oliver lorraine is hiding more than you know and you’ll find out soon enough.

5 years ago

she looks happy

6 years ago

WOW Caroline could Model stockings and lingerie 4 me anytime !!! That is my absolute biggest weakness , it is my Kryptonite!!

6 years ago

I’m shocked how many people still crap on Lorraine. She’s not perfect, but I don’t believe she has malice intent in her heart!

Reply to  abaddon667
6 years ago

I completely agree !!

James Caras
6 years ago

Lorraine’s methods may give you pause but you can’t fault the results.

Reply to  James Caras
6 years ago

Yes you can because they are evil.

Reply to  pragmatist
6 years ago

Evil is a little harsh.

James Caras
Reply to  abaddon667
6 years ago

Unconventional maybe but not evil. She seem to care about Oliver/Caroline.

6 years ago

Horns instead of a halo.

6 years ago

Someone got super excited there, real quick

6 years ago

Skillfully deflected Lorraine. More vile manipulation. Also probably a blatant lie. Another tick added to the things I hate about you.

But very parent like. Deny what the kid asks for and distract with something else nice. Only most adults should be mature enough to see through that. Losing faith in our protagonist…

Reply to  HA55caps
6 years ago

I’ve already marked her as the antagonist a few dozen pages ago x)

Reply to  Vistaprinter
6 years ago

I have been saying that since like page 20 something dude. 😛