Godmother Page 48

By | February 28, 2018

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1 year ago

oliver don’t you think that you should hold off on those questions until after your photo shoot as caroline ends.

The Jade Serpent
5 years ago

i immediately saw babadook instead of badonkadonk

6 years ago

I literally had to use TTS to pronounce that word, XD. Bad – onk – ah – donk.

6 years ago

Hey Sam, is this like a Victorian Novel that takes pages and pages to get to the real story?
I’m hoping tomorrow’s comic starts the real story! Wanna bet that Caroline says (tomorrow) I like you much better Mom, when you’re honest with me, even honestly pissed off with me!.

Reply to  MtnMan
6 years ago

The first page was the real story.

Reply to  MtnMan
6 years ago

This saccharine sweet Lorraine story reminds me of a Manga. The male lead wanted to see a real (spontaneous) smile on the female lead. Only in super polite Japan!

6 years ago

…and my subscription finished! See you in some months, keep up the great work! 😀

Pirate Billie
6 years ago

I learned playing Dungeons and Dragons, NEVER PISS OFF MAGIC USERS WHO CAN CHANGE YOU INTO THINGS !!

6 years ago

that’s right everyone very skillfully ignore the crazy girl talking to herself. them got awesome pretending they don’t hear skills.

6 years ago

I’ll know I have made it as a comic writer when I master Onomatapoeia spelling. that’s my only problem with your comics. they lack sound effects a lot of the time.

Reply to  jimbo8472
6 years ago

What sounds would applying makeup emit?

Reply to  TheDarkNeon
6 years ago

*dab! dab!* (this came up in a manga!)