Godmother Page 258

By | September 26, 2018

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1 year ago

uh – oh looks like oliver as brooke is going to get some unexpected company from one of brooke’s old boyfriend’s . i wonder how will oliver as brooke handle the situation.

5 years ago

Ross Scott: “It’s like [s]he’s saying, ‘I don’t blame you. I blame myself. I should’ve know better for ever thinking you wouldn’t f**k everything up. This is the price we pay for my optimism.’ I’ve been there.”

(I just keep thinking of this line and I keep laughing, I’m sorry.)

Pirate Billie
5 years ago

All this fuss about jobs and working and money makes absolutely no sense anymore—-they have a magical dog right? Just tell the dog that he needs to turn his poo into gold from now on. If I could get my cats to do that I would never work again!!

5 years ago

This is gonna suck lol

5 years ago

It would be interesting to see Caroline’s personality slip into Oliver while he’s in Brooke’s body.

Reply to  JesFoxx3
5 years ago

Unfortunately that will not happen, Caroline’s personality influences been removed from the use of the Lockett, if anything ollie might start feeling some of brooke’s personality influences

5 years ago

Good thing when Brooke and Anya get back, Anya can just slag this guy’s memories.

Somehow I doubt it will be that simple.

Heather Rose
5 years ago

Oops more problems

Levi D Dalv
5 years ago

Oh dear more problems.