Godmother Page 234

By | September 2, 2018

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1 year ago

wonder how model chloe will react when homemaker chloe reveals that she’s pregnant with twins.

6 years ago

WOW That is so fitting for that SELF CENTERED bi-ch !!!

6 years ago

I like how it looks like the blond guy in the background looks like he’s saying: “Yes they are, aren’t they sweetie?” to Eli! 8-))

6 years ago

So, now there are 2 Chloes. How do they deal with the name clash? Chloe and Julia? Julian gets to be “Chloe”. Chloe becomes Julia. Her stage name is Chloe to capitalize on “Chloe”‘s former prominence in modeling since she is the spittin’ image of her “sister”! That’s my best attempt.

6 years ago

What if Elsa sees Caroline walking around with Eli and interferes in some way?

6 years ago

Why are they wearing the same makeup? The same nail polish? The same hairstyle,it’s been two years!

Reply to  Roadbandit
6 years ago

They are very like identical twins in externals at least. Separate identical twins from early on and they will look even more alike than if they grew up together.

6 years ago

Is the female Oliver going to have an urge to have kids now?

Reply to  daleville
6 years ago

maybe Lorraine will put that thought into Oliver/Caroline minds

6 years ago

I would like to say that, while I’m not opposed to covering the aftermath of “Mommy Makeover” here, especially since people have been clamoring for more of that story since that animation came out, it is a little distracting where and when you decided to do it. I get that this location makes the most sense – Chloe has returned to the career that she’s missed and this is one of her first big public appearances since returning. That’s fine, but my problem with it is that this comes right off the heels of a huge turning point in this… Read more »

Reply to  LinkandZelda4ever
6 years ago

i get what u mean but its a crossover in a way its like a small pause on the story but i do wanna see the rest of godmother but we cant rush greatness

Reply to  Jessica
6 years ago

This is not the first crossover in this comic

Reply to  Roadbandit
6 years ago

tru ik

Levi D Dalv
Reply to  LinkandZelda4ever
6 years ago

True, as you say. I believe this is just a way for Oliver to be Oliver while in Caroline’s body and talk to Eli about boys stuff instead of thinking like a girl. Also I believe this just means that when the date arrives, Oliver has something to talk about. ‘Twins’

Reply to  LinkandZelda4ever
6 years ago

More interesting to me this way. There was a long time when we didn’t know what was going on. We also thought Oliver to be an utter goof/idiot! Lorraine seemed to hold all the cards. Finally Oliver and co. confront her and instead of turning all of them into toads, she collapses and tells all. Where now? We have several directions we could go before we get to “and they all lived happily ever after.” Most other SF comics have had a clear goal, or one made clear well before halfway into the tale. Shifting room mates: how to deal… Read more »

Reply to  LinkandZelda4ever
6 years ago

Its fine Paul don’t worry so much !!

Reply to  skyline1975
6 years ago

It may be fine to you, but it’s not really “fine” to me, since I feel this distraction is taking away from the story of “Godmother.” Oliver has had nothing to do with the story for the last several pages, when this story is supposed to be about him.

It’d be like if a movie had it’s main character in every scene for the first hour, and then suddenly followed an unrelated character for the next 20 minutes. I don’t think that’s good storytelling.

Levi D Dalv
Reply to  LinkandZelda4ever
6 years ago

He was involved ever so slightly but yes, he wasn’t the main character.