Godmother Page 232

By | August 31, 2018

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1 year ago

well finally chloe no.2 gets to visit choloe no. 1 at the auto show face to face well this should get really interesting to see how this plays out.

2 years ago

Magic can do so many things. But when you use it to get out of something it seems to not burn bridges but completely blow out the foundations on your end of it making it so only others can ever use it again.

Corey Citrin
3 years ago

I thought the old Chloe turned into Julian since she took his knapsack. How dare she for wanting her old life back. What about Julian’s family since he had to be declared dead.

5 years ago

I know witch Chloe is stupid but i can feel so much of her regret.

5 years ago

how does she have purple eyes

6 years ago

Wow! The second to last panel, that is some seriously interesting storytelling right there! Chloe gave up on her opportunity to have a family in order to continue her career and the person she baited to take over for her has become satisfied with the change. Chloe is going to be having some big time regrets now.

6 years ago

where is this coming from? am I missing some connection? 🙁

Reply to  munchkinofanger
6 years ago

it comes from a one shot animation

6 years ago

I think that it would have been interesting if the replacement Chloe had showed up with Eli and a baby sister!

Reply to  breezly65
6 years ago

Yea a male stud babysitter that was doing her whenever Eli was sleeping !! That would be just deserts for that Which Chloe !