Godmother Page 230

By | August 29, 2018

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1 year ago

if oliver can re jump start his modeling career he won’t need to rely on changing into caroline to make ends meet . untill then he’s got a job to do.

6 years ago

Love the BTTF reference.

Reply to  Ranmafan
6 years ago

For reals

6 years ago

Famous last words…….YOU go girl…………

6 years ago

I don’t trust it. Something is gonna go wrong. It could be as simple as having Oliver unable to contain female feelings and loses him/herself. More likely, I still suspect foul play from Lorraine. It could be she was just playing along, buying time, until the next time Oliver used the locket.

Wicked intention
Reply to  HA55caps
6 years ago

It sounds way too simple.Somethings going to go happen .

6 years ago

Now here would be a twist, Lorraine instead of removing the personality shift instead made Oliver pregnant with the fragment on the soul that was in him instead when swapped this first time :p

Heather Rose
Reply to  Kaisa
6 years ago

So A new Caroline could be born that would be great but for Olivia to be pregnant for 9 months I wounder if Brooke would cross the gender gap and become a guy.

6 years ago

*no longer in the last panel

Damian Kaiser-Crompton
6 years ago

Hehe Lorenzo and the other guy won’t be pleased 😀

Levi D Dalv
6 years ago

No more worrying about losing weight and muscle either.