Godmother Page 224

By | August 23, 2018

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1 year ago

boy that brooke is one smart cookie coming up with the plan for oliver to use the locket occasionally to change into caroline to make ends meet when he needs it, and oliver likes the idea and he’s now got brooke and anya as his support system when he really needs it.

2 years ago

Why can’t they also have girl’s days occasionally with the soul fragments personality when its not in the way of work life? Its not like letting mother and daughter’s persona have time together isn’t wrong when its voluntary. Even if its a bit weird.

6 years ago

That sounds like a good idea/plan. ?

6 years ago

It almost seems to me that maybe Brooke was a false friend, inserted into his life by Lorraine. That she was in fact Caroline’s best friend and now that she remembers, she’s on Lorraine’s side to do whatever it takes to bring Caroline back permanently.

Reply to  Enemyoffun
6 years ago

Yes lets turn Oliver’s only human ally into an Enemy. very cruel.

Heather Rose
Reply to  Enemyoffun
6 years ago

wow never thought about that one Brooke is Caroline’s BFF not Oliver’s life long friend. if that is the case should Ayana not know??

Reply to  Enemyoffun
6 years ago

Where has it been said Brooke was Caroline’s BFF?

Reply to  Enemyoffun
6 years ago

Loraine only found out about the whole soul shard thing like two years ago when Oliver wandered back into town for a visit so….. the timeline wouldn’t exactly match up. besides I imagine removing one traumatic memory that has no impact on a person’s life decisions in general is several leagues easier than stitching in decades of false friendship memories and emotions. it is doubtful that Brooke is a mole or a plant, but she for sure has ulterior motives, perhaps Carolines star power could be the key to igniting her small business just like it ignited Carloines career oh… Read more »

6 years ago

I would like to see more of Olivia. Loving this comic so far!

Reply to  Daznia
6 years ago

Yes more of Olivia would be lovely

Reply to  Cupoframen
6 years ago

I kinda hope to see Olivia too she was nice, but Oliver deserves to live his own life too and I hope he makes that decision.

6 years ago

I don’t like this at all. Everything is a mess. Oliver should give the bitch her locket back and make her promise never to see him again. If it were me, I’d chuck it into the Grand Canyon!

This all seems really forced. I don’t trust Brooke anymore for suggesting this. I fully suspect Lorraine did something. Maybe she froze Oliver and Anya in time for a moment and then messed with Brooke’s mind.

Oliver succeed or fail as yourself!

6 years ago

So… Is this a Happy Ending ??

James Caras
6 years ago

There is still the sisters to deal with. They are going to cause trouble from Oliver in the near future.

Heather Rose
Reply to  James Caras
6 years ago

the upcoming comic might shed some light on that part of this story