Godmother Page 223

By | August 22, 2018

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1 year ago

well anya , brooke , and oliver is having a private conversation about what oliver should do about the locket and his career. i wonder how will it end up.

6 years ago

BTW, Brooke whispering with Anya on Panel 2 looks hilarious 😀

6 years ago

Get rid of the locket, should have loads in the bank from what work Caroline did, it’s not like Oliver was shopping for clothes every weekend as Caroline. Should be good to find work as a guy, better looking now then Lorenzo, hell could probly model for Brooke’s male line easily too. Lorraine should be more then happy to help Oliver have a turn around as well considering all the mind fuckery she did to get Caroline work that she never told them about yet. Plus no more locket gets rid of the Indie Panda girls becoming an issue as… Read more »

6 years ago

If Lorraine wants to make thing right for Oliver she should get him modelling gigs.

Reply to  jnorton47
6 years ago

I and a great deal of other people are pretty sure she had been sabotaging his career to put him in a position where he was desparate.

Levi D Dalv
Reply to  pragmatist
6 years ago

That’s a little too cruel.

Reply to  Levi D Dalv
6 years ago

I do not see how that would be so much worse than the rest of the things she had done. She showed that she could make people choose against their will.

6 years ago

He could always just get a regular job. no real need to become Caroline again.

6 years ago

Im wondering what Brooks connection is she wasnt at the accedent but her drawings did look
A little like Caroline

Reply to  esken1
6 years ago

How many times do people have to ask this and have it answered…she is Oliver’s childhood friend, he obviously talked about the accident to her at some point, friends don’t let friends sit there in obvious pain and do nothing…Hell there had to be some reason why they would have come home injured and in a different vehicle alone..

6 years ago

This is so weird. If caroline could just show up somewhere looking like that and get jobs, than new and improved Oliver with Anya’s enhancements could just as easily get some more modeling work. Just say that you were using the time in between training. Problem solved!

Reply to  Vistaprinter
6 years ago

Caroline was getting jobs with a lot of “help” from Lorraine.

Reply to  coredumperror
6 years ago

Then so could Oliver? Shes still his agent right. And now she wants to do good for him

6 years ago

Lorraine can fix the locket so that only a little of Caroline comes through when Lorraine is not around. Otherwise Lorraine can work as both Caroline and Oliver’s agent, she just can’t book them together at the same shoot at the same time. Lorraine did such a wonderful job was Caroline’s career why can’t she do the same for Caroline and Oliver. In the meantime Brooke and Oliver can move in together now that Brooke Knows all of her Secret about Caroline and Lorraine and that will cut both of their expenses and Brooke can teach Oliver to let just… Read more »

Reply to  Jamie
6 years ago

I for one would rather get jobs based on my own skill then someone magically brainwashing people into getting me jobs, and Oliver, Brooke and Anya don’t even know she did that yet.