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guess who oliver runs into on the way to the gym.
Today’s going to be a good day, a new animation, AND, we get to the the ‘perfect boyfriend.’
Gg, though it was all going to be released at 12 my time. XD
Umm If he suddenly has muscles wont people notice? Is Anya powerful enough to mass memory alter?
Their is no way, even Izzy has to put effort in doing that. That’s one powerful fucking dog if she can.
I predict Grayson will get what Evan got for his date with that news reporter in Fractured, which is stealing another person’s muscular hot body though how it is done will be different.
Well, this is certainly gonna be interesting…
Huh ok so the last wish didn’t get worded to make Oliver a girl without the locket now so I mean…things are still looking up? ^^;
Who could know what is next ???
Wait, how come Anya is still making wishes… And I thought Oliver was himself.
I’m guessing it’s because Caroline’s personality is in control.
Lorraine told Anya to grant any wishes made while the gem in her collar was pink, no matter what…and since Oliver is still in girl mode in mind, the gem is still pink…