Godmother Page 177

By | July 7, 2018

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2 years ago

i wonder how long will it take oliver to tell lorraine his big news.

Inquisitor One
6 years ago

Can’t she read his mind, though?

Matthew Clark
6 years ago


6 years ago

I guess the time has come for him to say no and she’ll possibly be some evil witch who wants caroline alone *sigh* -_- Idk I wish she wasn’t evil but It’s obvious she’s using him

Reply to  IronmanMK265
6 years ago

I agree, I hate Lorraine from the way she’s acting

6 years ago

when for the bodysuit comic..?

6 years ago

You know, I had a thought a few days ago: what if the events in this comic lead to more stricter rules on how magic can be used on non-bloods? All other instances we’ve seen with this scenario have either a) have justification (victim is jerk, doing something that benefits them) or b) liking the end result by the end (like Fractured). Even the points where it’s blatantly evil people doing harm can be excused by them just being bad apples to begin with, so it’s not like a law would have helped matters. But this is an (otherwise innocent)… Read more »

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  IAmAHuman
4 years ago

How is this any different than Mommy Makeover?

6 years ago

Hey Fox !!!
When does the expanded content start ? I thought that it was scheduled for April ???

6 years ago

Lorain is going to FREAK !!!

James Caras
Reply to  skyline1975
6 years ago

When fairy godmothers go postal, run for cover.