Godmother Page 106

By | April 27, 2018

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1 year ago

looks like lorenzo and jayden might have found themselves a new workout partner . but don’t expect oliver and caroline to show up at the same time.

6 years ago

Man , I do not know about this ? It could get Caroline into something she can’t resist ???
I D K ? Maybe that could B fun …

6 years ago

Oh come on! That is such a bad idea. Hasn’t Oliver/Caroline ever had to politely deflect an offer? There are plenty ways to do it without actually declining or appearing rude. Doubly so if the people in question either don’t know your schedule, or know you have an erratic one…

If they do this, they will catch onto SOMETHING being strange when Oliver and Caroline are never in the same room. And Oliver/Caroline has already shown they are bad and keeping it straight with who said what.

6 years ago

Yeah best of luck introducing those two.

6 years ago

why do women all way want a bigger ass that happens naturally as they get older.Then when they get a big ass the try to get rid of it. Also i think our boy/girl just made a bad move budding up with his buddies. Sure it will be ok for keeping guys from hitting on her. But the lies she will have to spin will be hard to keep straight so she doesn’t trip her self up. I am just wondering how long until old Olie has to take some “over seas work” to hide the fact he is not… Read more »

6 years ago

Hey sapphire if you had the power to manipulate the world in any way how or who what would you do?

Levi D Dalv
6 years ago

So she’s going to bed as Caroline, maybe…I wonder if she would do some more exercises in bed… and why is Oliver thinking about getting her arse bigger.

Reply to  Levi D Dalv
6 years ago

Minor thought pattern changes happen pretty fast, based in previous scenes.. so it’s not unexpected.

6 years ago

Notice that Oliver can think clearly enough when he’s texting. I do that in similar situations, must be a common trait. This is one of the reasons people who speak slowly and infrequently do that, they think before speaking.