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Darth jar jar
Really good, I like how Alyssa’s voice actually sounded different when she was doing a character voice unlike the Male Lead cus in part one it was mentioned he was a worse actor. (I was so engaged I didn’t notice the clothing continuity error until the comments pointed it out).
Why the change from school skirt to jeans and sneakers? Arrived at the audition in a skirt then suddenly wearing jeans. Quite distracting.
Act 3, Scene 4? Don’t you mean Act IV, Scene XV? 😉
(That incredibly dumb comment was both a FoxTrot reference and a Shakespeare reference for you reading “pleasure!”)
I want silly gel!
Silly gel violated the laws of mass. Those boobs should be like air. Simple math density is mass / volume. As the gel is expands it should stay the same mass but get less and less dense. Then buoyancy and skin elasticity take over. Long science short. Them boobs won’t be sagging. Doubt they would be floating though, in theory they could if a small enough amount of gel expanded large enough.
Alsyhe should have really swollen bands. Use gloves hands have skin too
Yea, sillygel.. Think about fooling all the boys.
It’s Amanda and Brad all over again.