Fractured Page 89

By | February 1, 2016

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2 years ago

blake your time has come to be finally fully transformed into a woman.

James Caras
9 years ago

Like I said before, I almost feel sorry for the scumbag,
but he deserves what is happening to him.

9 years ago

I guess Blake’s pain is the quick skin stretching – only fox magic prevents boobs with stretchmarks! Hee Hee. Otherwise, I see no good reason for the pain.

9 years ago

Dang girl, that Halloween switch guy is more muscle then man. Your setting an unfair high standard.

9 years ago

Ugh every time i start to like these guys they remind me i hate them.

Reply to  TeeracK
9 years ago

Me too, I don’t like the way they talk and their shitty attitude.

They’re nothing but pigs…

Shadow Doctrine
Reply to  kenwin07
9 years ago


Reply to  kenwin07
9 years ago

These are the kind of guys that give the rest of us guys a bad name for the way they treat the women in general, couldn’t happen to anyone more deserving than these superficial d’bags. I just wish it would happen in Real Life… or is it..

Reply to  Steve-OZ
9 years ago

All guys are like this with their friends

Reply to  tman.mick
9 years ago

Or at least the ones I know of

9 years ago

inb4 Blake blames Kyle for the changes starting up again.

9 years ago

well, well, well. I don’t know about you, but Blake’s finally going to realize their new body has a whole lot more weight on its chest than was coming off earlier. Also, the LGBT community, in my opinion, should include the banning of binaries. Binaries, in this day and age, hurt more than they help. In my ideal world, everyone asks everyone what they associate with in their mind, and actually cares to remember that binaries hurt a lot. I mean, my sibling is bi/trans, but they, before they were bi/trans, was called the opposite gender multiple times because of… Read more »

Reply to  SSJBRiley9001
9 years ago

I going to start off by saying that I am a Transsexual female. I went through a lot to get to this point in my life and I definitely identify as a woman and want to be addressed appropriately. The “binaries” that we currently use will in fact be an integral part of what ever system we devise to include the entire spectrum of gender identities, most people in the world identify as one or the other binary. Banning the binaries will never happen but expanding the binaries to a spectrum I agree with. The problem of course is coming… Read more »

Reply to  Amanda
9 years ago

I agree with Amanda.

Shadow Doctrine
Reply to  NicoleAsagiri
9 years ago

I also agree

Reply to  Shadow Doctrine
9 years ago

I have a transgendered coworker who I respect greatly and consider a friend as a casual acquaintance. When she came back after surgery, she asked us to address her as a woman. In the past three years, I have come to only think of her as a woman and always address her as such. I had to learn to look past what I knew of her prior to her transition. It never occurred to me that writing Kyle/Kylie might be offensive. Maybe it betrays ignorance on my part, but this is the first I heard of binaries other than what… Read more »

Reply to  Amanda
9 years ago

A much more reasoned response than I was going to say to 427 here.

Damian Kaiser-Crompton
9 years ago

Hehe Blake won´t be happy *giggles*
Looking forward to tomorrow :3

And I can´t wait for part 8 of Haloween Switch… its gonna be fun :3