Fractured Page 72

By | January 15, 2016

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Shannon Harmony
10 months ago

Kyle should become the type of female ‘His’ current personality reflects.
“I find All people ‘insufferable’; except for my friends.”
She should become the epitome of brainless ‘Valley girl’ with 38 DD’s, and an ass to match. voice like ‘nails on a chalkboard’ Or maybe a “mean girl” type who looks down on Everyone (Nobody can measure-up to her standards)

2 years ago

boy does evan feel embarrassed right now .

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
4 years ago

Where did this spirit even come from? Is this the darker side of Alistair?

9 years ago

I think he should turn into a woman like the one he was making fun of. A little bit on the chubby and thick side

9 years ago

– have all 4 stars in this series the curse or is it just a mistake by the fox from getting fractured?

James Caras
9 years ago

The perfect punishment for Kyle would be if he got into a relationship with Evan or Blake.

9 years ago

Going to need to wait till I’m home to watch that new animation (something to look forward to). The question I find myself wondering is whether mad fox has something nasty in mind for Kyle like making sure he know’s the reason WHY he’s changing so slowly is that the friend he’s thinking of abandoning because of her female issues advanced the fastest because they took the hit for him.

9 years ago

Hey foxx you could advertise your videos on YouTube now I am not saying make it free but you can actually make it so you have to pay for it or rent it (some big/popular movies actually do this) also once you get a surplus of animations you could get a vessel account which if you do not know they pay to see your videos a week early (some youtubers do this)