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oh i think kailey will be back soon with a vengeance because it will happen in a place where kyle would least expect it.
no cures for them, the changes are a coming. also, i think they were referring to how some of his facial hair fell off a while ago and how its still diminished or something.
Ina the second panel Lily says,”Your facial hair is still gone.” But I see a beard. What facial hair is she referring to??
Foxx asks ” A female friend asks you to go clothes shopping with her, You… Pass because of an important job in the yard (male +1), Go along, but wander the store and make your way to menswear (neutral). Shop with her and make good conversation about her selections (+1 female), Buy a nice blouse for yourself (+2 female). This could be fun…
Hmmm…secret project….there was once mention of some kind of a game???? Maybe you could select a male avatar, then have then Foxx ask you a series of questions. Depending on your answers- your avatar would either warp to female with each question, stay the same, or become more manly. For example, a question the Foxx might ask would be “Choose a picture for your home”. Choices: a random framed pic from a rummage sale to cover a hole in the wall (+1 Male), A framed print of an animal you like ( neutral). A blown up print of a photo… Read more »
Please make Kyle become Kaily again Sam
Is it just me or are his eyes arounder?
Sorry Kyle that won’t be that last time you wear a bra.