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Opsie, feeling exactly like Luke, having passed the point of no return ?
Nice. ?
Starting to feel like there should be a subreddit of Sapphire foxx memes cause the comments are full of ’em XD
I…I want to say something but
All I can think of is
?? Jack Black is Bowser!!
That would be like if we did an animated SapphireFoxx movie and I said
“Isabelle Arlington will be played by MEGAN FOX!”
“Alastair aka our Sapphire Fox will be voiced by ROBERT DOWNEY JR!!”
“Ruby the Witch will be brought to life by JUDI DENCH!!”
“And Chris shall be portrayed by… ADAM SANDLER?!!
Noooo!! Why have you betrayed me imagination?!?
*Seth rogen as Donkey Kong*
Oh that’s why. DAMMIT
what does it mean does your comment have anything to do with this comic page?
Sylvana is Judi Dench haha, that would actually fit.
I really do hope femme Luke doesn’t use the Ghost V.
Get a genuine experience yeah?
Sometimes feels a bit… empty when it’s all unrealistic prosthetics and the sili gel.
Maybe just me, but I like a bit of realism sometimes haha. 🙂
The ghost Vag is STOOPID!
It literally doesn’t make any sense.
Luke is about to find out sensitive nipple go with the permanent boods he’s growing playing dress up.
Sili gel doesnt work that way! Luke is not growing permanent boobs, only reason it happened with Austin/Alyssa was because of a rare genetic condition, one which Luke does not share!
Writer: How dumb should we make Luke when he is horny?
Sam: Yes!
No need for hair extensions or the wig, Lara is looking amazing!
actualy it’s luke’s real true self as a female .
complete with hidden surprise…under his fake vagina.
Explain to me how that stoopid concept works
I hope Lara is prepared to become Karl’s latest conquest.
actualy it’s luke’s true female self that we are seeing . and i hope that luke is prepared to become karl’s latest fling of the week.
Luke is express an female gender not being female…
you people are ridiculous.
Jes… You made it personal. Strike a sore spot?
Luke is a character in a comic…
No shit. It’s a comic. You people take this way to seriously.