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Okay! Now I’m glad that this has been addressed. Though, Luke’s motivations in this conversation seem open to inturpretation. At first, it was just a curiosity to make cash online but now it seems more might be happening. Or, perhaps, Luke is too far in now and doesn’t know how to hit the breaks on this?
I think the latter is the safe bet.
I think that Luke is looking into themselves, but doesn’t wanna admit it yet.
Here is someone who encourages him!
yes your correct about that .
I really love Luke/Lara’s new hairstyle. It totally suits them.
don’t you mean . it totally suits him . not it totally suits them.
No. With the androgynous look and switching between Luke and Lara, non-binary pronouns are appropriate
Someone really doesn’t like you, they downvote anything you say
I got used to it. lol
Finally! We know have someone who knows Luke is Lara. Even better, she knew all along and waited for the right time to reveal!
Ehm, I don’t think this means she knows about Lara. At least, I interpreted it as her knowing luke is either non-binary or Bi. Or both
thank you so much for saying it . i couldn’t have said it better myself.
Probably both.
I saw this coming.
yes me too i saw it coming at the same time you did.
*Jackie noticed*
Jackie: that’s Awesome!
All of us: NANI?!?!?!?
well jackie liked luke’s new fashion choices . but she still doesn’t know that the clothes luke is wearing belongs to ana. or that her friend is looking more female than male. will luke tell jackie that he is lara or will he keep it a secret from her . and will luke tell his other friends his little secret as well or will he keep it from them will find out tomorrow . and sam thanks to you and your team for the early release of this comic strip page it’s very much apreciated .
Thanks for treating us with a very early upload this day. I really appreciate it.
Also, about time someone noticed Luke’s outfit. Way to go, Jackie!
Not only that, she said she “knows.” Does that mean she knows Luke is also Lara?
I’m predicting that Luke thinks she means that she knows he and Lara are the same person, but that Jackie actually means that she “knows” he’s gay and/or trans and not necessarily about Lara.
I think that you are right about thinking Luke is trans.
About time is an understatement. Why non of her friends haven’t noticed that they’ve never seen Luke and Lara together. Maybe now it will start to get interesting. Jackie will help Lara get ready for her hot date.
Yes, I think that’s the next step, that Jackie will help Luke being Lara, or maybe Luke going 100%-femme with his present hair and some new styling that Jackie helps with. That would be exciting!
Because they lack braincells, except Jackie.
yea i agree with you jd . i’m glad that jackie noticed that luke is dressing like a girl . and that she liked his choice of clothes . hope that luke tells her his littel secret very soon or else she may find out even though he doesn’t want her to .
Luke’s trans. I’m calling it!