Favors and Followers Page 148

By | March 25, 2021

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3 years ago

I just came out as Genderfluid to my friends. I feel so great now

Reply to  D.vagamer77
3 years ago


3 years ago

They’ve both got bubble butts, and about the same size.

3 years ago

he needs her help badly.

3 years ago

Gonna get interesting when Lara comes back.

3 years ago

Ok, so Luke’s gay and a cross desser – this is quickly becoming less fun….

JD Washington
Reply to  cartoonishbimbo
3 years ago

Uh, yeah. This is a SapphireFoxx story, after all. Were you expecting anything else?

Reply to  cartoonishbimbo
3 years ago

In all likelihood Luke is going to come to terms with his feminine side and embrace his new identity as Lara.

Reply to  cartoonishbimbo
3 years ago

Having gay thoughts doesn’t make you gay. It’s only when you act on those thoughts that you become gay. Luke hasn’t done anything sexual with a man, so he can’t be gay. At best, he’s bicurious. Also, I’m not sure why Luke being a crossdresser makes this story “less fun.” That’s the entire concept of this website – men becoming women. This isn’t the first crossdressing on the website, and it won’t be the last. We knew going in to FaF that this was going to be a non-magic story. How else are you supposed to show a man transforming… Read more »

Reply to  cartoonishbimbo
3 years ago

Uhhh, he’s pretty clearly bi. He’s totally into Ana *and* is realizing that he’s into dudes, TOO.

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  coredumperror
3 years ago

idk, I wouldn’t be surpsied if Luke ends up as Lara full time.

3 years ago

He needs to tell her.

3 years ago

why does Luke even look at the messages , if he doesn’t have the number saved just delete the message

Reply to  john
3 years ago

Luke is deleting the messages, but that’s not enough. He’s still gotta look at the messages before he deletes them. Besides, Cypher has saved his own number into Luke’s phone. That’s why the contact for his text messages reads “Cypher” at the top of his phone. Clearly, he’s registered in Luke’s phone.

Reply to  Zillatrek
3 years ago

you can delete messages without reading them and if they come up cypher even easier, maybe he wants to see them?

Reply to  john
3 years ago

You can, but it’s not smart to delete messages without reading them. You could be missing out on vital information, or you could be deleting something from someone else that you didn’t want to delete. No one should be hasty before deleting texts.

What I’m saying is that deleting Cypher’s texts isn’t going to make Cypher stop. Cypher is in Luke’s phone, so he’s gonna keep texting Luke whether he reads the messages or not.