Favors and Followers Page 132

By | March 9, 2021

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D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
3 years ago

It seems like Luke is bi, but what do I know…

3 years ago

I’m thinking Luke is either in the Closet or He has one of those Curse thingies.

Reply to  Scorchia
3 years ago

We’ll never know if Luke has Sylvana’s gender curse because you need a sorcerer to find the curse first. And there will never be any sorcerers in Favors and Followers. This is a non-magic comic, so anything related to the magic world is a non-factor here.

Reply to  Scorchia
3 years ago

No curse, this is a non-magical comic. Hes just having a sexual awakening here, hes bi

3 years ago

“Match Nine of Round One: Ashley Vs Jessica!”?

Reply to  foxxlover
3 years ago

Well today’s match up is different depending on which website you visit. On here, it may be Ashley vs. Christina, but on the Beyond site, it’s Ashley vs. Jessica. So it’s easy to get mixed up.

3 years ago

I’m just marking him down as a closet bisexual until he sinks himself lower.

As for Cypher’s orientation…I have no goddamn clue.

Reply to  TheDarkNeon
3 years ago

Who cares, this Cypher Guy is a Total Douche. No one cares about a Douche’s Orientation

Reply to  Scorchia
3 years ago

Regardless of your feelings on him, Cypher’s orientation is important to the story. It infers how he’s going to keep treating Luke and why he’s doing it. And since Cypher is clearly going to be the villain of this story, that makes everything about Cypher important since its his motivation.

Saying that’s not important would be like saying Thanos’ motivation for getting all six infinity stones isn’t important. You may not like him (in fact, you’re not suppose to like him because he’s the villain), but a villain’s motivation is just as important to a story as a hero’s motivation.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zillatrek
Reply to  Zillatrek
3 years ago

In the Comic thanos Wanted to Fuck Death. his Reasoning in BOTH Media is Fucking stupid.

Reply to  Scorchia
3 years ago

I wasn’t referring to the comics, and you’re missing my point. It doesn’t matter what your opinion on Thanos’ motivation is or Cypher’s motivation. What matters is that it is necessary. Any story with an antagonist doesn’t work if the villain doesn’t have realistic motivation, to the point that they honest believe that they’re in the right. Otherwise, the story falters. Every villain needs motivation, and that makes showing things from their perspective necessary. Because at the end of the day, every villain is just as human as you or me. They have their reasons and they’re just as valid… Read more »

3 years ago

Lara is just under the surface trying to break free , With a creep like Cypher and the charms of Luke’s friends he may be the one leaving not Lara.

Jenni Noelle
Reply to  jimmyinwhite
3 years ago

“just under the surface trying to break free” sounds like my inner woman. LOL.

JD Washington
3 years ago

Well, Karl does have a killer body. Another reason for Luke to call him KB…

3 years ago

Luke checking out his friend crotch. I thought Luke was not gay. What will he do tomorrow.

Reply to  Troy
3 years ago

“friends crotch” not “friend crotch”

3 years ago

Luke: I’m not going to let Cypher get inside my head.

