Exchange Siblings Page 409

By | June 23, 2024

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2 months ago

Latest page or a case of the Mondays?

Reply to  JesFoxx3
2 months ago

Garfield: I hate Mondays…

2 months ago

I really like that she did let him squirm because of what he did.

Last edited 2 months ago by Worldoftg
2 months ago

Hunter has better taste in men and is almost better at flirting and knows how to use her body better than Lindsey…
Lindsey has a bigger package, more confidence and better taste in women…

And you both suck at your own classes (Hunter on some other stuff too), but ace the ones of the other…

When are you going to realize?

Last edited 2 months ago by Ritus
Reply to  Ritus
2 months ago

well if these comics on this sitw have a running theme then its usually at the last possible realization

Reply to  MarkoDan92
2 months ago

Yep! They always learn towards the end of the story.

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  Ritus
2 months ago

And how they sucking at their own sports games.

James Caras
2 months ago

I think by transforming into each other they are gradually becoming each other.
Where is Alistair when you need him ?

2 months ago

Well now as The Beach Boys say, Hunter and Lindsey can get a new car! We are on page 409.

James Caras
Reply to  aek
2 months ago

Bad joke.

2 months ago

Hunter is still has insecurities

James Caras
Reply to  kenwin07
2 months ago

Who doesn’t ?

2 months ago

Oh gee I wonder if they’ll-
Aw f**k it
I can’t even fake it it’s that obvious

James Caras
Reply to  TheDarkNeon
2 months ago

They will transform. This is a situation that requires it.

Reply to  James Caras
2 months ago

They need to swap to cover up for the fact that Hunter has not played in a while.
And to keep him on the team

Reply to  TheDarkNeon
2 months ago

I think you might be surprised…

2 months ago

Switch before the game?

James Caras
Reply to  Ranmafan
2 months ago

Now that is a plan.

Reply to  Ranmafan
2 months ago

Needs to be done, but how comfortable is Lindsey with giving him her body for 24h?