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Crazy question have you seen the pockets women get on their pants? Where was she keeping a rock the size of her hand? Even men’s pockets would struggle with rocks that size. Plot armor activate it needs to shrink when confined into a pocket…..
She’s secretly the Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy 14. The sheer amount of *crap* you can hold in your back pocket in that game is insane. There are even some items that lampshade the sheer ridiculousness of it.
Happy Memorial Day friends!
Sorry that’s tomorrow… my bad
Couldn’t figure out how to delete it
The manual meat have slipped out somewhere in the desert. Sorry if you do not get that reference. 😉
&tbnid=hqY5t_80y0KKZM&vet=12ahUKEwiwpPz37Jj_AhUZFlkFHcJmAV8QMygAegUIARDOAQ..i&, so the stones recharge. But how long 24 hours? So this is how they get passing grades in their classes. I’m sure there is going to be some ‘experimentation here….like best friend saying, “Hey lets do the friends with benefits thing…”
Wonder Twin powers activate !!!
Lamest powers ever how we going to save the world by transforming into each other
True, but it’s the only analogy I can think of.
So the more their brains take over andnthey lose themselves the stones will start to recharge
There’s a cooldown guys, didn’t you read the patch notes?
Agh the dreaded cooldown ive played enougth God Of War Toknow how that feels
Well Yeah . . .Where is the readme.doc page?