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You know I really don’t think its lindseys body making hunter think like that, This feels like this attraction to dudes was there the whole time, thou I would like to see is every time lindsey and hunter swap back there bodys start retaining some of the changes so hunter gets more fem and Lindsey gets more masc.
Was there any sign of that, though? The magic stones are still totally unexplained so they could be a factor too. For all we know the stones put extra dildos in the drawer just to test Hunter-in-Lindsey’s reaction.
I’m 50/50 on that one. Since the stones are magic, I’m pretty sure its how their bodies react that’s causing Hunter to act like Lindsey, but I also think he has self sabatoshed his chances with women subconiusly before the stones tbh, but the stones are merging those two things into one.
Remember, Sam’s rule for Saphirefoxx stories are that men’s and women’s bodies are heterosexual by default, so if a guy turns into a woman, there’s a 99% chance of them being into the oppsite sex from the other side of the fence.
For someone who can’t stand the nightgown, she is certainly getting excited while wearing it