Different Perspectives Page 86

By | December 26, 2014

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2 years ago

wow chris really wants to learn about the female clothing sizes . i think he’s got a secret plan up his sleeve .

Aaron R Wilson
9 years ago

I forgot the main character’s name but I think dude need to stay female after his cruelty of messing up his sister’s love life, it shouldn’t be long until womanhood take his life for herself to live.

10 years ago

what would happen if he buys the cloths as himself. weve already seen that the cloths belong to whoever he buys them as so if he is himself then they are his cloths, so thier not unowned. would they turn hi into that piece of clothing’s size like when he wears unowned cloths as a girl?

10 years ago

Now if Chris is smart he will take that knowledge and buy something for Holly to help displace any suspicions Holly may have or yet to have. Of course now he should know Holly’s sizes anyways he is her boyfriend after all.

Reply to  SandraC
10 years ago

And also he should know Holly’s sizes since he became her twin and kept some of her things besides being her boyfriend and all that.

10 years ago

Won’t Holly start getting suspisious (pardon my spelling) with Chris asking all of those questions about the sizes on women’s clothes? Wonder what she’d say if she knew the truth about her guy? And will Chris ever tell anyone about his power before he does something that’ll get him into trouble? So Chris is going to buy women’s clothes as a guy and see what’ll happen. Will he turn into a female version of himself, as others have suggested? And what if his mind gets invaded with female thoughts from his own female side? Just when you think you’ve figured… Read more »

10 years ago

Um… Why Does It Say Page 856 When I Clicked To This…

Reply to  SapphireFoxx
10 years ago

Well, I am on a mobile device and when I go the section with ‘Different Perspectives,’ some blue buttons pop up. On the one that was MENT to be 86 for me says 856.

Reply to  SapphireFoxx
10 years ago

on the main page but when u click on it then its 86

10 years ago

Keep up the Great work Fox! Chris should just tell Holly and let her help him explore his feminine side.

Levi D Dalv
10 years ago

So he wants to become his own created woman, nice no one’s thoughts but this own, hopefully. Can’t wait to see how that goes.