Different Perspectives Page 82

By | December 22, 2014

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2 years ago

well chris has just lost all control of his body to his female side who’s now posing as his sister jessica .

10 years ago

I just realized that if his sister caught him… she could hide all of his own clothes and trap him in a girls body since only his own guy clothes will chance him back not other guy clothes.

Reply to  TeeracK
10 years ago

Or if that would be too hard i think just taking all his underwear would be like stealing his dick >.<

Reply to  TeeracK
10 years ago

I’ve not been able to keep up as much as I like but has that been established? I recall the problem with girl clothes was that they imprinted on the girl form he bought them in but if she bought generic guy clothes wouldn’t they turn her back?

Reply to  Senko
10 years ago

It hasn’t really been established yet. We know that regular men’s clothing (such as the stuff from his father) has no effect on him (I.E. He puts the clothes on as Chris, and nothing happens). We don’t exactly know what will happen if he tries putting them on as… say… Holly or Scarlet.
Thus far, we have to assume they absolutely have to be HIS clothes. Otherwise they simply have no purpose to him.

10 years ago

I love where this is going!

10 years ago

Be something if when Chris trys to change back can only partly change.

Reply to  sawdust
10 years ago

Please, just give it a rest. This isn’t going to be a story about a guy permanently changing into a girl. That’s not the kind of story it was mean’t to be with this kind of plot.

Why do I see stuff like this on every page? Why can’t people just take the story for what it is rather than what they want it to be? Honestly /:l

Saint Iggy
Reply to  HeroSpirit
10 years ago

Finally someone else who gets the whole point of this! People just need to sit down and enjoy the show and let it twist and turn as the days progress along.

10 years ago

Fight chris. Your power is taking over, great work on this page, must learn to balance this power chris.

Levi D Dalv
10 years ago

How does this work, Chris might be right about Bruce, but this isn’t the Real Jessica, or is she getting the same thoughts too.

10 years ago

Uh-Oh! He has been in Jessica’s body way too long! Is he going to remember to change back? Good work! Looking forward to more!

10 years ago

what a mess.chris will ultimately forgot to change back into a man