Different Perspectives Page 44

By | November 14, 2014

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2 years ago

i wonder how chris as scarlet is going to get out of this with the traffic officer .

7 years ago

Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

10 years ago

Well, I knew it was going to happen. Christina has finally gotten in trouble with the cops. And she was traveling at transwarp speed at that. Hope she don’t panic. Christina is now going to enter more into her womanhood. She’s now going to have sex as a woman for the first time in her life. Sex with a man as a woman. And not just any man, but a cup at that. If she had gotten stopped by a woman cop, the only way she would’ve gotten out of that would’ve been if the female cop was a Lesbian,… Read more »

Reply to  Cartoonist
10 years ago

wat gave you the feeing that she is going to have sex to get out f trouble, there are other ways too…
Another flawed statement is about when ‘Christina’, as you call her, goes back home, why would jessica think of her as her sister, she looks like scarlett right now who is jessica’s mom.
Thats a completely crazy idea but I would say you should stat writing stories

Reply to  sanjana
10 years ago

Just my opinion. My opion is just that and is no worse than yours. Just excercising my American right of free speech. Not everybody will agree with everyone else.

Reply to  Cartoonist
10 years ago


Reply to  Cartoonist
10 years ago

I feel you just made a whole story by itself lol you don’t have any idea what might go down next. I highly doubt he as a she is just gonna bang the first guy that may flirt with her. If it’s a guy cop and she has clevege showing like that that he shore be distracted by them and end up telling her let’s not do this again. Instead of jumping his bones to get out of a ticket.

10 years ago

Even if he gets a ticket you can just pay for them online now using the information on the back of the ticket.

10 years ago

maybe……the cop is gay……..and don’t give a shit about how many buttons she undoes……weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee so busted………..

10 years ago

What if the cop was actually a old boyfriend of his moms That would be a nice twist .

10 years ago

unless of course it is a female officer. =)

Reply to  annedebulle
10 years ago

My thought, exactly! 🙂

Shadow Doctrine
Reply to  candygirl7
10 years ago

Yes indeed 😀

Reply to  annedebulle
10 years ago

that would be funny but if you look, you can clearly see its a male officer

10 years ago

The police officer is gone at the last picture/situation