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chris is really making it up to isabel tonight . just hope holly doesn’t find out.
Ohhh so that explains how Alistair can fly around with ease.
The leg on Chris isn’t changed
Jess better watch out if she gets Isabel mad Isabel may turn her back to a cat
Isabel has great taste in clothes, that dress is amazing and those are some really cute shoes.
some kind of chart showing the bloodline’s different abilities and things would be sweet.
So what is her father’s specialty?
Looks like Holly could get Jealous but only if Jessica tells.
Chris what are you doing back away think of Holly that girl has put up a lot from your craziness
A guy isn’t allowed to dance with a friend when he’s in a relationship?
Of course it is always allowed, however a better question is whether you _should_ or _should not_ do it. The answer to that question is weighing a ton of factors against each other, some of which _might_ be: ‘does my partner have issues with jealousy?’, ‘is this person _really_ just a friend?’, ‘what is my partners perception of this person? Do they like/dislike this person?’, and any other criteria that might be relevant to your personal situation. The thing that is really going to change the answer to this on a per-person basis is that we all place a different… Read more »
He had plans with holly tonight so no it’s not cool to be dancing with another girl when you just blow off your girlfriend
Probably not the best idea.
She is a non-blood Chris is beyond her now
maybe not he look like a cool dude…but a little spark of magic could be magic for a relationship ^^