Different Perspectives Page 358

By | September 23, 2015

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2 years ago

isabel is going to let chris have it with both barrels after she cleans up his mess.

7 years ago

Ha another “i will never transform ever again” promise he wont keep

8 years ago

Punishment would have been making him normal with a vg for a month .

9 years ago

Turn him into my little pony magic is friendship 🙂

9 years ago

If Isabel decides to punish Chris/Chrissy, or trys teaching him/her a lesson, it should be keeping him/her stuck as a girl for a long while. Just don’t turn him/her into a cat or any other kind of animal. If that happened, the comic would lose alot of it’s punch and wouldn’t be as much fun. Keep Chrissy as a human girl. That’s what the comic is all about. And it would be lots more fun that way. And if Isabel changes our hero into a girl permanently, make the change not only physical, but mental and emotional as well. It’ll… Read more »

9 years ago

Please let Isabella turn Chris into Scarlett for the night an have Christina control him so it’s more punishment for Chris, maybe he’d have to blow mark or make out with him at the very least ?

Reply to  Tg_nick
9 years ago

But what happens to the real Scarlett…..

Reply to  EmperorPeng
9 years ago

Isabella could make her a cat friend for mr jingles for the night an when they all wake up it would be as if it’s just a bad dream. No one would be the wiser

Reply to  Tg_nick
9 years ago

why not just make Chris a female cat friend for Mr Jingles

Reply to  sawdust
9 years ago

What’s the fun in that, he’s already been Scarlett an it seems that the SF comunity does like seeing him morph into Scarlett

9 years ago

if any one is a subscribre please help me i like different perspectives

Naomi Pearce
Reply to  shaik
9 years ago

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Reply to  shaik
9 years ago

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9 years ago

Punishment would be fun, but what actual authority does she have over Chris other than she is more experienced with magic. Feels like she’s taking advantage of the situation a bit.

Reply to  Cheddar
9 years ago

Well he wouldn’t want the world finding out about his power should the next mistake expose him in an awkward position. And you don’t want the next mistake to accidentally screw something else up or cause some bystander to have a bad day. That’s like a child playing with a gun without prior proper training and educate. So it’s teaching him a lesson that will help him to be better disciplined. You should see how they correct soldiers who screw up in the army. Same thing. Corrective training to educate the person to make sure the mistake is not repeated… Read more »

Reply to  Lily
9 years ago

Question: Are there actually any repercussions for any of these people abusing their power?

Reply to  SapphireFoxx
9 years ago

Like picking up a huge plane at a airport

Reply to  SapphireFoxx
9 years ago

That’s not what I mean. I mean if Isabel abused her power. Broke the law or used her powers to hurt people intentionally, are there any consequences? Are there magic police or are magic users only held to those other magic users that seek to oppose them?

Naomi Pearce
Reply to  Cheddar
9 years ago

They gave her that authority by having her train them, same as any other instructor teaching you a secret skill. You agree to a form of rules and regulations going in, and Chris broke them. Plain and simple.