Different Perspectives Page 340

By | September 5, 2015

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2 years ago

what a support system christina has in her future sister and brother.

7 years ago

The dad is an absolute savage and gives ABSOLUTE ZERO fucks. I love it lol

Reply to  Matt
6 years ago

Nah he accidentally cashed it on Chris I think

7 years ago

….geeze what a fucking asshole….she’s not a typical construct SHES A LIVING SOUL

9 years ago

i’m Really beginning to hate Isabel’s Dad. He’s making want to whip out the Malis Malificarium on his ass.

Naomi Pearce
9 years ago

Wait, so Isabel can easily alter someone’s life to become Jennifer, changing not just his whole room, but his family as well to believe that she is the daughter they never had, effectively doing just what the father said couldn’t be done? But not do essentially the same for Christina?

Reply to  Naomi Pearce
9 years ago

She could have done JUST his family and house. She could’ve done just the people and place he knows the most and he would assume the same for everything else. Rewriting a few people is infinitely easier than everyone who’s ever known him in the slightest. Plus in this case it’s not just rewriting but adding someone who wasn’t there before. If this was an equation, she’s not just replacing X with Y but she’s adding a Z as well.

Reply to  Naomi Pearce
9 years ago

Just cuz she knows how to cast magic doesn’t mean it still isn’t a monumental task. Despite it being fiction to highest form, I’ve always seen magic taking several understandings over the years. Consider the differences between Jafar’s sorcerer magic to the Genie’s in Disney Alladdin. Both drawn on nothing but their will, but no matter how much Jafar changes independently, the Genie can INSTANTLY poof it back. Even Babidi from The Dragonball Series can only effect people whose souls are tainted and dark. That said, Piccolo still managed to slice through his Barrier spell. Ursela the Sea Witches magic… Read more »

9 years ago

I understand Sebastian, he makes a valid point even though his words are harsh

Levi D Dalv
9 years ago

Brave words Chris, but if she is stuck with you can you two live simultaneously. And Why did the father put the enchantment on him in the first place.

9 years ago

There is a technology actually being worked on that could give prosthetic bodies to alters created by disassociation or entities constructed by some form of oneiromancy like tulpas. While it can be used for them the technology won’t really work on a human due to translation problems. If a human is fully transferred into a prosthetic it stops being a human and starts being a simulacra that thinks it is human. Christina is already a simulacra so there would be very little lost in translation. Not sure how well it works on actual magic. Could be the “homunculus” would become… Read more »