Different Perspectives Page 254

By | June 12, 2015

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2 years ago

i have a funny feeling that this won’t be the last of christina . because she’s going to come while chris is asleep and really control him .

2 years ago

Returned isn’t gone. I’d still like to see more of Skyler those clothes probably went back t the basement.

7 years ago

The dark forces are still out there.

9 years ago

I think cris will transform into Cristina doing the night and he cant tranform back and everyone beside him and Holly would tinke that cris alwas have been Cristina

9 years ago

Chris will fall asleep and the hat will fall on him and his head will turn into Christina, she will wake up and have Chris’ body and realise she can turn into guys. then she will put her clothes on and probs have sex with Derrick…. OR she will look at her room and think why is this a boys room and realise she doesn’t exist.. come on people it’s obvious

Reply to  EmperorPeng
9 years ago

Oooh, Someday, you have a number of wickedly delightful plot twists there. I think you’re right about the hat. I not making any guesses on what happens next.

Reply to  WillowD
9 years ago

Maybe Christina will wake up in Chris’s body and just get dressed and transform and go out and meet Bruce ,I hope those two will be good to gether ,she is not good enough for Derrick.

Reply to  EmperorPeng
8 years ago

reading ahead are we?

9 years ago

Is Christina the kind of woman who would jump in bed with a guy right off the bat?

9 years ago

everything will go wrong.especially Christina hat to Chris head.Chris will be instantly changed into Christina.Christina will go immediately hunt Derrick and put him to bed to have sex with her all night

9 years ago

Yes, I never seen that pink hat before. I never seen him sleep alone. I think it strange. Is that hat going to fall on his head. Will he turn into
Christina. That the way it look. We see tomorrow.